Please find your rider number below and click on it to see your previews. Preview images are NOT the final product. Final product will have professional editing, and will be uploaded in a high resolution format appropriate for printing. Watermarks will be removed on purchase.
Purchases can be made via etransfer to [email protected]. You need to email me with what photos you have picked out as well, so I can get them ready for you!
Prices are: $40 for one image $80 for 5 images, $100 for 10 images
Once I receive your email and etransfer, I will upload the final, full resolution, edited images without watermarks to a google drive which I will share with you. Alternately I can provide a USB stick with images pre-dowloaded, however you will need to pick this up from me in the red deer/blackfalds area.
Click to return to the Step Into Dressage page for details on ordering photo packages.